• nurse call system

CarePlus™ Nurse Call is one of the leading care management systems for hospitals & acute and aged care applications

CarePlus™ surpasses the typical healthcare IT system with innovative technology, excellent operational functionality, improved performance and high acuity workflow for enhanced patient experience. The CarePlus™ technology suite offers a range of care management options for individual facilities to address any concern:
CarePlus™ Senior

CarePlus™ Senior

A trusted aged care solution for any facility requiring automated workflow, quality and high standards. The targeted system offers the latest technology to advance resident care and staff safety in all aged care environments.

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CarePlus™ Hospital

CarePlus™ Hospital

A flexible and trustworthy acute care solution. This multifunctional application decreases staff workload, increases communication networks, and improves patient’s overall care experience. Certified MDDS Class II, FDA and TGA approved

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CarePlus™ Wireless

CarePlus™ Wireless

A versatile solution embracing modern aged care and acute care facility demands. The results of traditional wired system are combined for revamped operational functionality with next-generation, real-time wireless communication technology.

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Mobile Staff Duress (RTLS)

Mobile Staff Duress (RTLS)

CarePlus™ Mobile Staff Duress is a RTLS safety solution for aged care, acute care and mental health facilities, drug and alcohol units, dementia units, and day surgery. The easy-to-use tag, which is convenient, accessible and lightweight, can be discretely activated to send signals with precise room locations through RTLS technology. .

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Asset Tracking (RTLS)

Asset Tracking (RTLS)

CarePlus™ Asset Tracking is a clinical-grade RTLS solution for all healthcare facilities. Valuable and highly mobile assets are tagged and traced throughout any facility. Assets can be quickly located via next-generation software, and even advanced searches for equipment can be conducted based on time until the next scheduled maintenance and compliance.

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Real-time location system (RTLS) is the advanced technology that automatically identifies and tracks the location of assets and/or people in real time. CarePlus™ employs RTLS to provide clinical grade, room accuracy location services for your chosen targets.

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CarePlus™ Server

CarePlus™ Server

Integrated with all CarePlus™ Nurse Call systems for dependable alarm management and care coordination procedures. CarePlus™ Server sends the right message to the allocated caregiver via email, paging or mobile device, at the right time.

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CarePlus™ Mobile Connect

CarePlus™ Mobile Connect

Encourages seamless integration of communication and technology in all CarePlus™ Nurse Call systems. The app reduces alarm fatigue for a quieter and more peaceful care environment to facilitate faster healing and recovery, as caregivers can choose how they respond to calls, messages or alarms via their mobile device.

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Mobile Resident Call (RTLS)

Mobile Resident Call (RTLS)

CarePlus™ Mobile Resident Call is designed to help healthcare professional’s productivity and time efficiency. It is an easy-to-use call device allowing residents to page nursing staff for assistance and addresses a lack of staff support when residents are away from their rooms and understaffing difficulties in aged care sectors.

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100% Flexible

All CarePlus™ products can be easily integrated together for a complete and cost-effective package.

Acute / Aged Care Institutions100%

CarePlus™ explained

NiQ Health offers wired and wireless IP Nurse Call systems to provide customers with the freedom of choice depending on their facility and needs. Different technology acknowledges the individual challenges different services experience, safeguarding the standards of each workplace and team.

Why not watch our video to see the benefits of CarePlus™ for yourself?

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CarePlus™ installations
Acute Care Institutions

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